
The 2019 Sponsors….

The 2019 Sponsors….

The National BBQ Week team just wants to say a huge thank you to all its 2019 sponsors. Never before have seven brands been so in synergy with each other for our awareness week ….

Here’s how it goes in our office, at the end of a busy day when the rest of the team is out and about sampling for our sponsors ..….

Brian: “Let’s light the BBQ and test these amazing sponsors out. Now, where are the Zip Coconut Briquettes and the odourless fire lighters… ah, here they are.”

The delicious smell of the environmentally friendly coals fills the garden and wafts into the office.

Brian shouts through “Right ladies, let’s have your orders…..”

Penny: “I’ll have an Alf Turner’s Best of Sausage, lightly grilled on the BBQ served in a Mission Deli Chargrilled wrap, drizzled with Primula’s new Paprika flavour please… Oh, can I have a wrap with Hellmann’s Vegan Mayo before you start BBQ’ing please.”

Antonia: “Ooooh, Penny that sounds good. I’ll have the same but with an original wrap…. Wait, no I won’t, I really fancy a SPAM® Chopped Pork And Ham wrap with Hellmann’s Chilli Mayo and Primula Jalapeno please. ”

Brian, 20 minutes later: “Here you go ladies…. Is it too early for a Cobra beer?”

Guess what the answer was…..??