Our Silver Anniversary National BBQ Week – A BIG success!

Well the 25th National BBQ Week finished on Sunday, although the RoadShow’s and campaign will continue to the end of the month. Our last RoadShow being at Parker’s Piece in Cambridge from Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th, so come-on down and enjoy the best in BBQ food & drink! We’re also delighted to say that […]
31 million watched England v Italy and there were 11 million BBQ Occasions!

The Euros 2020 Final drew a huge TV audience of 31 million, second only in coverage to Princess Diana’s funeral, with pretty everyone in the UK, well certainly England watching the BIG match. Although it was our best chance to win a major football title for many, many years, and despite a fantastic first 2 […]
We Won – England 2 – Denmark 1

In a hard fought match England beat Denmark 2-1, to reach the Euro Finals against Italy. Well done England! Football’s coming home!
Ditch the Disposable!

As wild fires are starting up again, mainly caused by disposable BBQ’s we say ‘Ditch the Disposable’. A disposable BBQ is most certainly not the best option when barbecuing, it doesn’t really cook food that well and its potentially dangerous. It also, apart from causing wildfires through inconsiderate use, takes hundreds of years to breakdown, […]
What on earth has happened to the weather? Don’t they know it’s National BBQ Week!

Generally National BBQ Week is pretty much guarantied hot & sunny weather, but then we did have to move the date from its normal time at the end of May, to early July, but hang-on, July is supposed to be summer isn’t it? So where’s all the rain coming from. Of course you can Barbi […]
A Boris Barbi to kick-off 25th National BBQ Week

Boris was chillin n’grilling in the garden at No. 10 as part of a National Thank You Day event for NHS workers on Sunday and also of course to celebrate the start of the 25th National BBQ Week, which this years celebrates its Silver Anniversary and a Quarter Century of Better British BBQ! So make […]
4-0 Here’s to the Semi’s!

An incredibly impressive win by England with a semi-final against Denmark, Brilliant football, brilliant team-work, a job, really well done!
Hopefully not a soggy Father’s Day

Not sure what it was like across the rest of the UK, but down here in the South East, the weather was was pretty torrential, with flood alerts, still following many sunny days, suddenly the rain arrived and… at least it seems OK for the Weekend and hopefully for Fathers Day, otherwise there could be […]
G7 all go for the Grill!

As the saying goes, “When the going gets tough, the G7 gets grilling!” Last nights Beach BBQ was a great chance for the G7 leaders to unwind and enjoy some quality relax time, or as we say in the BBQ world ‘chill n’grill’! The weather was perfect, the bonhomie in abundance and the setting, simply […]
Hooray, it’s sunny again!

After some pretty heavy rain, its great that the sun has returned and that it looks as if we’re set for sunny weather for quite a while, which is pretty good news for all those planned BBQs and of course it’s also coming up to 25th National BBQ Week, which starts July 5th. Chill, Grill, […]