
How Do You Light Yours?

Now you can’t have a BBQ without coals and lighters, unless of course, you’re cooking on gas. But for those of you who like the traditional BBQ way, our sponsor Zip will appeal to you massively.


We are totally loving the new 100% Natural Charcoal Briquettes which have been designed with a unique pillow shape. The surface grooves allow for effective fast and easy lighting and the charcoal provides consistent cooking time for up to 4 hours, meaning you can relax knowing you have enough time to cook all the food that your friends and family can eat. You can even return to make seconds or toast marshmallows!


Zip 100% Natural Charcoal Briquettes are made from coconut shell which is responsibility sourced with zero deforestation. We just love that!


To light, distribute a couple of Zip firelighters amongst the coal – we favour the Odourless ones. Allow 20 – 30 minutes for the briquettes to ash and glow before cooking. For a gentle cooking results, spread the coals in a single layer.


#GiveYourBBQSomeZip #HowDoYouLightYours


For more information you can check out all the Zip products here: