Saluting both the NHS & Supermarket Staff!

The unsung heroes keeping us fed & watered! Of course, the NHS and all Frontline staff need our continuing love and support, which is crucial to providing great and on-going health, social care, as well as keeping the country going in time of this national Coronavirus pandemic. However as crucial as health, social and frontline […]
BBQ saluts the NHS & the new Nightingale Hospital

Zero to Go in 9 days, what an achievement! Like many in the marketing and promotions industry, we’ve been to ExCel many, many times, we’ve visited and we’ve exhibited! Its a great expo and conference venue, modern, spacious and well kitted-out, which is why it’s made such a perfect venue for the new Nightingale Hospital […]
Revised Status – 24th National BBQ Week!

All RoadShow activity in 24th National BBQ Week cancelled! Following the on-going national emergency and Lockdown status resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic, the format of this year’s 24th National BBQ Week will change! So we’ve decided to cancel all RoadShow activity and in line with UK Gov’s direction to ‘Stay at Home’ we’ll be focusing […]
BBQ Baptas Winners 2019

After a slightly delayed judging process, National BBQ Week is delighted to announce the winner/runners-up in the 2019 BBQ Baptas video competition. The Winner of 2019 BBQ Baptas is – Annie Taylor The runners-up in the Funniest BBQ video category are – 1. Leah Anne Morris & 2. Jim Radford Big Barbi congratulations to Annie, […]
Sunday Brunch Sausage BBQ

We are over the moon to have Alf Turner Sausages on board as our sausage sponsor. Those of you who are Dragon’s Den fans will recognise Paul, who bowled over Peter Jones with his products! Not only a great butcher, Paul also raises funds for Help For Heroes and we hope that by […]
Versatile for the BBQ

Sizzle Pork and Mmmmmmm…. Open that tin or tub and try a SPAM® Chopped Pork and Ham recipe on the BBQ this National BBQ Week. We are amazed at how versatile the SPAM® Chopped Pork and Ham range is. Try chopping it and popping onto skewers to grill, or filling a wrap with it […]
How Do You Light Yours?

Now you can’t have a BBQ without coals and lighters, unless of course, you’re cooking on gas. But for those of you who like the traditional BBQ way, our sponsor Zip will appeal to you massively. We are totally loving the new 100% Natural Charcoal Briquettes which have been designed with a unique pillow […]
Mission Makes It Possible

It’s a Wrap…… a word our team are dreading as National BBQ Week 2019 draws to an end. But then again, there’s still a good few days to go, so if the saying is relating to Mission Deli Wraps…. Well then we are all in! These wraps, particularly the original and chargrilled that […]
Primula Returns

A huge welcome back to Primula for the second year running…. This year, we are delighted to showcase Original, Jalapeno and Paprika flavours, all of which go great with a BBQ. We just love Primula for a BBQ as it is not messy at all, very versatile, portable and of course, our favourite bit, […]
Cobra Beer celebrates National BBQ Week

Trying to figure out which drinks to pair with your barbecue plans can sometimes be tricky which is why Cobra Beer have put together a comprehensive guide to celebrate National BBQ Week. Cobra Beer has been Brewed Smooth For All Food; which means the wide range of craft beer pair perfectly with all kinds of […]